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5 Benefits to Coworking Spaces

January 16, 2020
From free tea and coffee to networking events - these are the 5 benefits of working in a coworking space that’ll convince you to become a member.

Rather than sitting in a bland, corporate office or getting cabin fever working from home, more and more people are choosing to base themselves at coworking spaces. Coworking has increased in popularity over recent years, with freelancers, small businesses and startups choosing to rent a desk in a collaborative working space in order to reap all of the benefits. With huge flexibility, ample networking opportunities and all the free tea, coffee and biscuits - there are so many benefits of coworking spaces that are attracting people in their masses. So if you’re thinking of joining the coworking trend but need a little more convincing, these are the main benefits of coworking spaces that are sure to persuade you. 

The amazing benefits of coworking spaces

They’re great for networking 

Whether you’re working for a small business, or you’re going it alone as a freelancer - coworking spaces are one of the best ways to help you network and build your business. 

One of the biggest complaints from freelancers is that they often lack the sense of community that comes with working in an office, but coworking helps to diminish that problem. When you’re working from a coworking space, you see the same faces every day, helping you to build up a rapport, gain new business and even get some inspiration for upcoming projects, meaning they can have a hugely beneficial impact on your business. 

Additionally, many coworking spaces offer extra-curricular networking events for members, helping you to connect with your co-workers and build some great business connections along the way.

They prevent loneliness

Another common complaint from freelancers is that it can be incredibly lonely. Whether they’re coffee shop hopping, or working from home - many freelancers can go days without speaking to anyone at all. 

However, coworking spaces are great for preventing the loneliness that can come with freelancing. Whether you get to know your desk neighbours, or attend networking events - building relationships with your fellow coworking colleagues is a great way to alleviate the loneliness that often comes with freelancing - even if it is just for a weekly catch up over a coffee.

They give you a base to work from 

Whether you’re a start-up, small business owner, or freelancer, having an office to base yourself from can be massively beneficial for your business. 

If you find it difficult to motivate yourself when you’re working from home, or you find hopping from coffee shop to coffee shop hugely frustrating - having a place to work from can help you to maximise your business potential, set some solid working hours and increase both yours and your team’s morale. 

They can increase productivity 

Working from home and coffee shops can have a huge impact on productivity, meaning you have to work longer hours just to get your work done. 

Many freelancers report that they get easily distracted working from home, from procrastinating with household chores to getting sidetracked by their favourite Netflix series - there are so many distractions when working from home that productivity can take a huge hit. 

However, coworking spaces can help to remove all distractions and boost productivity, allowing you to get all of your work done in your normal 9-5 (or whatever hours you set for yourself). 

So if you find yourself eyeing up that load of washing every Monday morning, or you just can’t prise your hands off your TV remote at home - you’ll see a huge difference in your work after joining a coworking space. 

They Provide Flexibility 

Whether you’re a night owl and prefer to work at night, or like the structure and stability of a 9-5 working day - coworking spaces provide you with the flexibility you need to tailor your work schedule around you, with many opening their doors to members 24 hours a day. 

So whether you work a full-time job and want to utilise the benefits of a coworking space outside of office hours, or you simply want to be able to tailor your work hours to ensure you’ve got the perfect work/life balance - coworking spaces are the perfect solution.

So if you think a coworking space would benefit your business and wellbeing, then explore the membership packages at THIS Workspace today! 

Want to become a member? Contact us today.